The DREAMM project


Develop and Realise Empowering Actions for Mentoring Migrants.

New ways of bringing together newly arrived Third-Country Nationals and local communities


DREAMM’s aim is it to work out a mentoring methodology to implement a two-way integration model in an intercultural perspective for newly arrived Third-Country Nationals and local communities.  Peer-to-peer learning events and jointly agreed social activities are implemented in order to:

  • reach a better mutual understanding of the other’s values and behaviours
  • foster a sense of belonging to a community
  • mitigate stereotypes, discrimination, xenophobia and racism
  • for migrants from third countries to improve their understanding of local services.

In addition to orientation and dedicated services for newly arrived migrants, one powerful tool for local development and social change has proven to be volunteering. However, to become an effective and structured practice volunteering needs management and professional skills that are still unclear, unformal, and poorly used in the migration field.


DREAMM, with its application of a culture-sensitive approach, offers structured orientation and field activities to a large number of adult migrants, professionals and local community members.

It does so with numerous mindful learning events and joint social activities in specific contexts to empower migrants from third countries, facilitate communication with local services and foster a community-based response to the challenges of a two-way integration process.

8 partners from Austria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, and Malta, with different field migration expertise, operate together to experiment a community action made of learning events, to provide participants with needs-based language, civic and intercultural communication knowledge and skills and joint social activities. 


The social impact is reflected in the actions that will be implemented and that will lead to different results:

  • creation of two competence profiles – Lead-Mentors and Mentors – through theoretical training held by professionals and practical experience in synergy with migrants and the local communities
  • possibility to promote these competence profiles in other contexts through 3 toolkits that will be produced
  • joint community actions that will encourage the establishing of relationships and connections between several actors in the local communities.

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